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Lexie Harrison-Cripps
Images for the Food & Environment Reporting Network in March, 2022.

Chiapas, Mexico, 09 March 2022, field workers carry out the season’s mango cut. They climb the trees with bare feet and use nets at the end of long poles to pull the mangos from their branches. Other workers wait below to empty the nets into crates. Unblemished mangos are then sent to be cleaned to ensure that the sap does not taint the fruit. Only then can they be offered for sale.

Chiapas, Mexico, 09 March 2022, a mango cutter climbs to branches that are several meters of the ground where they can reach the tallest mangos with a long pole. The cutters have bare feet to be able to grip the tree branches. Other workers wait below to empty the nets into crates. Unblemished mangos are then sent to be cleaned to ensure that the sap does not taint the fruit. Only then can they be offered for sale.

Chiapas, Mexico, 09 March 2022, two mango workers in a packing factory place mangos into a large crate. They will then use a forklift truck to move the crates around the packing factory.

Chiapas, Mexico, 09 March 2022, mango packers place mangos into boxes. Only mangos that have passed quality control reach this stage of production. Once in the box, another worker will add stickers to each mango and then will then be distributed.

Chiapas, Mexico, 09 March 2022, mango packers place mangos into boxes. Only mangos that have passed quality control reach this stage of production. Once in the box, another worker will add stickers to each mango and then will then be distributed.

Chiapas, Mexico, 09 March 2022, mango packers place mangos into boxes. Only mangos that have passed quality control reach this stage of production. Once in the box, another worker will add stickers to each mango and then will then be distributed.

Chiapas, Mexico, 08 March 2022, Guillermo, from Honduras, sits outside a shelter in Tapachula. Migrants are not allowed to sleep in the shelter for more than a few nights. Guillermo no longer has access to the shelter or a bed to sleep in. As such, he waits outside and washes in a nearby stream. Every day, Guillermo waits outside the shelter in hope of being offered agricultural work. Occasionally, a truck passes looking for workers although Guillermo has only had 8 days work in the past month and does not have official permission to work.

Chiapas, Mexico, 08 March 2022, Guillermo, from relaxes in a makeshift shelter in the woods in Tapachula. The stream in the foreground doubles as his bathroom.
Every day, Guillermo waits outside the shelter in hope of being offered agricultural work. Occasionally, a truck passes looking for workers although Guillermo has only had 8 days work in the past month and does not have official permission to work.
Every day, Guillermo waits outside the shelter in hope of being offered agricultural work. Occasionally, a truck passes looking for workers although Guillermo has only had 8 days work in the past month and does not have official permission to work.

Chiapas, Mexico, 07 March 2022, Guillermo from Honduras poses for a photograph in front of his house in a small village near to Ciudad Hidalgo. Guillermo was embarrassed about the poverty in which he lived. As he showed off his house, some ducks walked around behind him.

Chiapas, Mexico, 07 March 2022, Guillermo from Honduras poses for a photograph in front of his house in a small village near to Ciudad Hidalgo. Guillermo was embarrassed about the poverty in which he lived. As he showed off his house, some ducks walked around behind him.

Chiapas, Mexico, 07 March 2022, Guillermo from Honduras poses for a photograph in front of his house in a small village near to Ciudad Hidalgo. Guillermo was embarrassed about the poverty in which he lived. As he showed off his house, some ducks walked around behind him.

Chiapas, Mexico, 10 March 2022, Cristian, 23, from Honduras walks along a pathway from his house in Tapachula to the mango packing factory where he works. The 30 minute walk takes him down dirt track roads, across the main highway of Tapachula, past the hospital and to the packing house.

Chiapas, Mexico, 10 March 2022, Cristian [23] from [Honduras] walks along a pathway from his house in Tapachula to the mango packing factory where he works. The 30 minute walk takes him down dirt track roads, across the main highway of Tapachula, past the hospital and to the packing house.

Chiapas, Mexico, 10 March 2022, Jones poses for a photograph in his kitchen in Tapachula. He shares the house with a friend, each paying 150 pesos (around 75 dollars) per month. Jones was keen to send the images to his wife in Haiti, who is unable to join Jones in Mexico until Jones has his permanent residency - a process Jones thinks will take him five years.

Chiapas, Mexico, 10 March 2022, Jones poses for a photograph in his kitchen in Tapachula. He shares the house with a friend, each paying 150 pesos (around 75 dollars) per month. Jones was keen to send the images to his wife in Haiti, who is unable to join Jones in Mexico until Jones has his permanent residency - a process Jones thinks will take him five years.

Tapachula, Mexico, 10 March 2022, Jones sits outside his small apartment one evening.

Tapachula, Mexico, 10 March 2022, Jones’ neighbors visit a small shop opposite Jones’ apartment one evening. The shop was a central meeting place for his neighbours to socialize.

Tapachula, Mexico, 10 March 2022, a child visits the small shop opposite Jones’ apartment. The shop offered a central meeting place for his neighbors to socialize.

Tapachula, Mexico, 10 March 2022, a man holds his passport whilst standing in a crush of bodies outside the Mexican National Institute for Migration.

Tapachula, Mexico, 10 March 2022, migrants wait outside the Mexican National Institute for Migration. Many waited for hours in the hope of being seen.

Tapachula, Mexico, 10 March 2022, migrants wave passports and papers outside a closed office for the Mexican National Institute for Migration. Many had stood for hours in the hot sun. Occasionally the crowd would surge towards the fence, seemingly trying to bring it down.Tapachula, Mexico, 10 March 2022, migrants wave passports and papers outside a closed office for the Mexican National Institute for Migration. Many had stood for hours in the hot sun. Occasionally the crowd would surge towards the fence, seemingly trying to bring it down.
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